Our Values

Our vision is to help the people of Mozambique create a future for themselves. We want to provide opportunities to improve their prospects of health, care, relationships, education and economic stability. We want people to see the hope and potential within previously hopeless situations and to understand their own value and worth as individuals. We want to widen our geographical areas of support in order to maximise our impact and therefore help an ever-increasing number of people.  

Mission Statement

To help make a world of difference by:


  • Sustaining and creating projects that help the poor, the sick and the helpless.
  • Sponsoring orphaned and abandoned children in order to provide care, education, a home and a family.   
  • Providing opportunities for individuals and communities to create a better future for themselves.
  • Supporting organisations and Christian projects that are in line with the Project Moz vision.

Our Beliefs

Everyone has a right to a future and that hope can be found in seemingly hopeless situations.

Opportunities in the form of sponsorship, financial input, relational guidance, education and care can make a significant difference to the quality of life experienced by those we work with.  There is particular value in creating projects that can experience organic growth and self-sustainability without continued financial input.

People kind enough to support our projects should have a say as to where their money makes a difference.